Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Program

Don’t dump batteries, paints, solvents, e-waste and light bulbs! It’s the law!

It is illegal to dispose of hazardous waste in the trash, storm drains, or sewer. Hazardous and other prohibited materials, as defined under California law and regulations, may not be disposed at the Monterey Peninsula Landfill or the Materials Recovery Facility. Accepted materials can be received at ReGen Monterey’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility, from residents and small businesses (CESQGs) from within the district service area.

*Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) includes waste – chemical and solid – generated incidental to maintaining a residence, small business, vehicle and yard. It carries labels which indicate that it is harmful to humans, animals and/or the environment.

Residents: 15 gallons or 125 lbs per turn-in

Small Businesses: 27 lbs. or 220 lbs. per month

Please prepare and pack your material for safe transport.

Small businesses, schools and non-profit organizations located within the MRWMD Service Area* that generate less than 27 gallons or 220 lbs. of hazardous waste per month are classified as Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG).

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Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) includes waste – chemical and solid – generated incidental to maintaining a residence, small business, vehicle and yard. It carries labels which indicate that it is harmful to humans, animals and/or the environment.

Household Hazardous Waste also includes other types of regulated waste including batteries, fluorescent bulbs, solvents, auto fluids, electronic waste, pesticides, paints, health care products (medication and sharps) and more.

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It is against state law to dispose of your batteries in your curbside trash or  recycle bin. They contain harmful substances like mercury and lead that are toxic for human health and the environment.

In addition to being toxic, lithium in batteries are extremely flammable. Did you know that batteries cause fires and explosions in our recycling plant and landfill every week? Just one battery can put our workers, environment and community facilities at risk. We are recovering 5,000 POUNDS of batteries in our recycling plant each month. Please collect your batteries and put them in a plastic bag atop your blue recycling cart on collection day or drop them off at our Household Hazardous Waste facility or a community collection center, like a local library or city hall. Thank you!

In accordance with California state law, electronic waste, including televisions, mobile devices, laptops and computer monitors, may not be disposed of in the trash or recycling carts.

Visit ReGen Monterey’s free electronic waste recycling drop-off area Monday through Saturday. It is located next door to Last Chance Mercantile.

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Medications should never be flushed down the drain.

TReGen Monterey can receive “over the counter” medication and medical sharps (safely sealed in a sharps container and/or sealed and labeled plastic bottle).

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Many products and supplies used for maintenance of home, auto, landscape and business contain potentially harmful material and toxic chemicals. You can reduce the use of and exposure to these materials by purchasing safe, durable, nontoxic products for these environments ( and, or in some cases making your own.

More and more businesses are adopting green procurement policies which prescribe the use and purchase of safe and earth-friendly products. Samples can be found at

Consider becoming a Monterey Bay Green Business.

For Additional Information:

Monterey County Health Dept. Environmental Division:

California Department of Toxic Substances Control:

Cal Recycle – Extended Producer Responsibility:

Green Seal Organization:

E-Waste Recycling:

California Product Stewardship Council:

*MRWMD Service Area Includes the following jurisdictions:

Moss Landing, Castroville, Marina, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, Sand City, Monterey, Monterey-Salinas Highway area, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Unincorporated Carmel, Carmel Valley, Carmel Highlands, and Big Sur


Staff Contacts

HHW Program Manager
Jimmy Perez
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor

Facility Staff

Facility Hours
Monday  – Saturday
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.